So Deni is off to school tomorrow for his first day. Deni is my fifth child to go to school and my last, he is my baby. I have mixed feeling about it. I have all the normal feelings about my baby going to school, but when you have a child with extra needs there is another whole new layer to those feelings. First I am so over joyed he has made it, he survived and he is off to school. When your child has extra needs I think you get so used to holding them tight, protecting them, worrying about them, hoping today will be a good day for them with no set backs, we watch them for any sign that sone thing may be amiss for them. Hoping they cope, hoping you cope. I also have all these things that Drs have said about Deni in my head going round and round. I don't think it helps that he got assessed today by his neuro physiologist. (but that's another whole post). We know more than the average parent on how well or not our Childs brain is functioning if it's going along nicely or if there are some areas of concern. Sometimes we can know too much. So although I am excited I am also deeply afraid that Deni will have some problems at school due to all his cranio issues. And we haven't really been apart for that long, we are quite attached. So tomorrow is a big day for so many reasons. All I can hope for is that Deni will have fun, enjoy school, relax, meet new kids, learn new wonderful things, that he will survive without me and that it's all ok. And for myself I can only hope for love, strength, courage, peace that all will be well. We have been through so much, I'm sure we can do thus and do it well. You know what we made it and that's an achievement in it's self.
I love you my baby- Denver James Healy.
Our story with craniosynostosis. The good the bad and the ugly.
Welcome to my blog about my journey through cranio with my youngest Denver. I write this blog to benefit myself by getting my feeling out and hope that someone may read this and get an understanding about what we go through as mums dealing with cranio. Some people thimk the journey of cranio ends after the 1st cranio surgery but that is far from the truth, this is a life changing journey that goes on for the life of the child and their family. I often write things I would never have the courage to say out loud to anyone, often the feelings are very raw and honest. So join me on my roller coaster ride through cranio and lets get through this together.